Playing Roborally with your friends over the internet

Posted by Mark on 28 Dec, 2024

Yesterday, I've revived my blog, because I had revived one of the projects that I originally wanted to share when I launched this blog seven years ago.

But this hasn't been the only project that I wanted to open source but never found the time to clean it up at least so far that it can be useful for others. I'm currently at the Chaos Communication Congress and the projects around me have been motivating to invest a few hours to clean up my own projects, too.

So, here's the next one, that I'd like to share - at least for a couple of friends who like to play Roborally:

It's a very simplistic approach to make Roborally playable remotely via videochat plus a web application. It requires to use the physical tabletop game and players need to enter results of everything that happens on the board (no game mechanics are implemented). But I actually prefer technology to not solve things that humans can do best, but assist in the things that are labour-intensive - or in this case impossible: sharing a deck of playing cards with remote players.